Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Individuals suffering from anxiety disorder experience excessive fear (i.e., emotional reaction to perceived or real threat) and/or anxiety (i.e., thinking about a future threat) and they can have adverse behavioural and emotional effects.
Panic Disorder
Panic disorder is classified under anxiety disorder. The physical symptoms of panic disorder, which can include chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, or abdominal discomfort etc. These episodes take place suddenly and it is not conjuncted with a known fear or stressor.
Generalised anxiety disorder
Generalised anxiety disorder is characterised by worrying excessively and persistently about everyday/ordinary activities or routine. The worry is excessive compared to the actual situation where one finds difficulty in controlling & managing emotions which also has an impact on how one physically feels.
Phobic disorder
Phobia is defined as an irrational fear of a specific object, si gc tuational activity, often leading to persistent avoidance of the feared object, situation or activity. The disorder is diagnosed only if there is a significant impact in the individual’s daily functioning.
Agoraphobia: It is one of the common types of phobia which is characterised by an irrational fear of being in crowded, public, open places away from the familiar setting of home.
Social phobia: An individual experiences an irrational fear of social contact and performing activities in front of others. The individual is afraid of being negatively evaluated by others which will result in humiliation & embarrassment.
Specific phobia: An individual has an irrational fear of a specific object or situation. For e.g, acrophobia: fear of high places, zoophobia: fear of animals, xenophobia: fear of strangers, algophobia: fear of pain, and claustrophobia: fear of closed places.